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Expressway to Ministry

The Expressway to Ministry program is designed for those who are currently engaged in ministry and need to complete their Master or Doctoral degree in Contextual or Specialized Ministry. Experienced ministry mentors will personally guide you through a range of options that can help you document up to 12 Credits from your ordination training, specialized ministry training, supervised ministry, and ministry experience. Northwind Theological Seminary accepts these credits into the Graduate Degree Completion Program from the Northwind Institute - Expressway to Ministry Program.

Streamlined Admissions Process with No ACT, GRE, or GMAT Requirements To Enroll.

Master in

Contextual Ministry

Degree Requirements

30 Credits


Complete up to 12 Ministry Experience Credits

at Northwind Institute


Complete a minimum of
18 Academic Credits

at Northwind Seminary

Required Courses

Three 6-credit courses

Capstone Research

Capstone Project

Capstone Paper

Program Cost: $3000


Master in

Specialized Ministry

Degree Requirements

30 Credits


Complete up to 12 Ministry Experience Credits

at Northwind Institute


Complete a minimum of
18 Academic Credits

at Northwind Seminary

Required Courses

Three 6-credit courses

Capstone Research I

Capstone Research II

Capstone Paper

Program Cost $3000


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