2019 Mission Catalog
This Mission Catalog is provided as a gift-in-kind to WorldHope Corps by Northwind Institute.
100% of the dontation goes directly to WorldHope Corps
Village Wells in Malawi
“living water” is clean water for daily life
Parasites, worms, cholera and dysentery contribute to the deaths of thousands of children everyday in Africa, and simple access to clean water saves countless lives. Why should women and children have to fetch water from a dirty water hole, or walk 3+ miles every day to the nearest well? We have drilled over 60 deep-water village wells since 2007, each serving from 300 to 3,000 families. We want to drill at least 3 new wells each year. Your most generous gift will help save children from waterborne diseases, improve community heath and help families thrive.
The cost of a deep village well is $10,000
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Incubation Loan Funds
provide startup loan funds for micro-businesses
One of the biggest challenges faced by potential business owners is funding.
The World Hope Corps Incubation Loan Fund was established to address this critical need.
By funding a Startup Micro-Loan, you are providing a future for a worthy individual and breaking the cycle of NGO Aid dependence.
The minimum cost of a Startup Micro-Loan is $100
Community Water Stores in Uganda and Malawi
provide safe water for years to come
Last year we opened our first Community Water Store at a trading village in Western Uganda.
This year we need to increase production and expand the water purification system in Uganda for more people.
The cost to provide clean water every day for a family is $150
The cost to install a complete water filtration system is $15,000
Bethlehem Nursery School
coalition building and community transformation
Your gift of any amount will be used for educational scholarships, technical and relational support and community development training in the ancient city of Bethlehem.
The words “let the little children come to me” are lived out in this vital mission to the youngest children of Bethlehem.
The cost of providing Community Development Training is $3000
Support Fair-trade Coffee Cooperative in Uganda
“not just a cup, but a just cup” … providing economic development
Over 500 “Shalom Coffee Farmers” in Uganda are learning how to organize and work together to grow and export organic, high quality, fair-trade coffee beans for an international boutique coffee market.
Sponsor a farmer, teacher or community worker for the next level of Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Shalom training.
The cost for training is $50 per participant.
Hope Scholarships
“teach someone to fish” in Malawi and Uganda
Your gift of any amount will be used for educational scholarships, technical and relational support and community development training in Malawi, Uganda, Palestine and the USA.
Keep a kid in secondary school for $250 per year
Send a kid to vocational training for $100 per term
Provide school supplies for a rural classroom for $50-$100
Sponsor the next Women’s Empowerment Conference for $3,000
Women's Empowerment
“investing in the health and livelihood of young women”
Women who attend this 3-day inspirational ,recreational ,and educational event will benefit from counseling, health education and motivational speakers.
Discussion issues will include:
- vocational & economic development
- domestic violence
- family health
- HIV education
WHC will present two conferences in Fall of 2018:
- one in Malawi
- one in Uganda
The cost of sponsoring a conference is $3000
The cost of sponsoring a participant is $30
Will you consider taking a step forward in faith to pray, pledge and provide hope through WorldHope Corps? Please review our programs and projects and choose one to support this year.
As a small volunteer corps of “believers without borders for the common good”, WHC has raised over a million dollars and taken on relief and development projects in Malawi, Uganda, Ethiopia, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Belarus, and Palestine. We have delivered over one million dollars in humanitarian aid, awarded over 30 Hope Scholarships, trained hundreds of people in HIV care and community development, and drilled over 60 village wells. Impressive results for a small organization with a small budget and only two paid staff!
WHC has a donor-advisory provision whereby donors can designate their gifts to an approved project led by a donor-advisor. Examples of these projects include Village wells, Hope Scholarships for Youth, Community Development Training, and Anti Malaria Mosquito Net Distribution.
I invite you to prayerfully consider a project in our catalog that warms your heart and support our good works today.
Seeking the Shalom of the Community,
Michael J. Christensen, Ph.D.
Founder and Executive Director